Favorite School Memories

If I had to pick three memories that I have for this school year it would be these three. The first one is from my core class with Mrs. Moffat, when we had cookies because they were super good. My second memory is from when I have played basketball with my friends at lunch or in PE. My last memory is from whenever I am in the lunch line with my friends because we screw around and act stupid. Those are three memories from my 2024 middle school 7th grade year.

Mother’s Day

A person that is influential is my mom. I picked my mom is because she takes care of me, she makes me food some mornings like on Thursdays. She is nice to me too she is very sweet. She also brings me to my basketball games and brings me to any other sports I have that are far away. Also she is going to pay half of the money to go on the Washington DC trip ( my dad is paying for the other half). Along with paying for the Washington DC trip she takes me on cool trips like I went to Mexico three summers ago then Belize 2 ago and Thailand last summer they were all very fun, this year I am also going to Japan. My mom also cares a lot about me and I am grateful for that. Those are the reasons that I love my mom and am grateful for her.

20% project week 5

my topic for this project is rock climbing and getting to a v3. This week I had a little struggle but then I watched a video in class about climbing. Last weekend I went rock climbing and I did a lot of good climbs. I also did the same camp and did the grip strengtheners. While I was at the rock climbing place I went to the workout area and did the treadmill and lifted weights and did other exercises. At the camp we did pushups, sit-ups, bear crawls, sprints, squat holds, up-downs, planks, and much more. Also I went climbing to reach my goal, we asked for the easiest v3 and I did that one and I got so close I almost had it. I got to the top but I thought that I had to tap it but I actually had to put both hands on it and hold it. I took a break and did the treadmill on the work out area. Then I was determined to Meet my goal and I got super close but on the last one I tore my hands up and took out one of my chalices. So i was done Alfred that but I will next time meet my goal. Next week I will be doing the same stuff and meet my goal.

Rad Reading- April

This month I finished “The Maze Runner” By James Dashner. It was a very good book and I would definitely recommend it to people that like action and drama. For a rating I would give it a 9/10 I really liked it. I also watched the movie. The plot takes place in a maze that is very hard to get out of. In the book they try to find a way out and it is filled with many different genres and a lot of times leaves you on crazy cliffhangers. This book is a book that you can read for hours. My favorite character is Chuck and he is my favorite because he is a fat little kid that is funny. His job in the glade is called a slopper and a slopper does the work that no one else wants to, like cleaning the toilets. A quote that Chuck said in the book is “ ‘ think about it. Our memories are wiped. We live inside a place that seems to have no way out, surrounded by bloodthirsty monster-guards. Doesn’t that sound like a prison to you?’ As he said it out loud, it sounded more and more possible.” I liked that quote because I shows just how crazy the maze is. My favorite quote from the novel is “ Be careful, don’t die.” I liked it because it is a dumb uninspiring speech that I don’t why the character said it.