My Favorite Room in my House

My favorite room in my house is my room. It is my favorite room because it is where I sleep. I have a grey bed with grey sheets and it is raised for some reason but I like it because I am short and It makes me feel taller, and it is just cool to be up second reason that I like my room the most is because I have my Xbox in my room with a tv, and on my Xbox I can play games in my room like Fortnite. Also a reason that it is good to have it in my room is that if my dad is going to sleep and I can ask him if if an stay up longer and play games, then I can just go straight to bed after playing some video games. I can watch tv as well. Also in the morning after my dad wakes me up I can sometimes get up and Play games. My third reason is because I have board games in my room that I can play if I am not able to play video games. Those are three reasons why my room is my favorite room in my house.

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